My local paper, the Murray Ledger, has a message board on its online site. Murray is a very conservative community and there are always a lot of patriots on there. One such patriot is Joe. Joe likes to post a lot and really sticks it to the liberals. One of his recent post is this:
The biggest reason this country is in bad shape is not the republicans, it's the terrorist around the world. I know there is no way to change a liberal's mind but that's the fact. I agree we are in trouble but how would a democrat handled it any differently. You probably say we shouldn't have went to Iraq, well a lot of young folks don't feel that way. If they did , they wouldn't be joining the military every day knowing that's where they are going. I think they are very patriotic. What would you call them, idiots for joining. The liberals think that way, just let the terrorist come and do anything to us that they want, we will just stand there and say go ahead, fly airplanes into our buildings and bridges, we won't do anything. Well the republicans responded and I back them at all cost for trying to protect the people.
For simply stating the obvious he is attacked by some vulturous liberal:
Joe, just exactly who are these liberals who want to "just let the terrorist come and do anything to us that they want." I don't even think Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Howard Dean, Micheal Moore, Jesse Jackson, Jane Fonda or George Soros want THAT. They might want to "promote the gay agenda" and "take our guns" but they don't want THAT.
So who are you talking about? People who hold onto the hope that there is always a better solution than the slaughter of our fellow man, whether it be "justified" or not? People who really do think and pray about the issue and are led to question our reasons for going to war with Iraq? People who think that the blood of the patriots defending this nation should not be spent "liberally"? Those who think the responsible duty of a good citizen is to actually question and reasonably debate the merits of the decisions our democratically elected leaders make? Notice that I did not say anything about Afganistan, where the actual mastermind of the 9-11 attacks was actually hiding out, and whom we still have not found and brought to justice.
Has patriotism and loving our country really been reduced to what seems to be "chearleading for the home team", right or wrong? Perhaps your idea of civic responsibility does not match mine. But I sure don't think you hate America and love terrorists because you don't agree with me. I really wish you'd do the same.
Tag: BTI
America, this is the type of ignorance and arrogance we are up against. We present the facts and liberals distort some abstract concept of freedom as some weak emotional rebuttal to logic. I almost pity them in their ignorance, but refrain from said pity, aware that one day I might be called upon to b!?@#-slap them for their stupid silliness.
And if that time should come, pre-emptively, Your Welcome America,
Your Humble Servant,
Rob R. Baron ~ Esquire
*NATINMIS = No, A______. This Is Not Me, I Swear. :-)
did you eat paint chips as a child?
That is play number 17 from the liberal playbook. When they cannot deny the unquestionable logic of conservative ideas they resort to childish taunts and insults. It is almost all they do. The rebuttal of a typical third grader is almost the only thing they are capable of.
Another anonymous liberal coward, smacked down!!!!
Your Welcome America.
Your Humble Servant,
Rob R. Baron ~ Esquire
actually i'm a republican, through and through. i'm just tired of idiotic talking heads making the rest of us look bad.
Like the famous cartoon, with the dog talking to his buddy as he types on the keyboard, says: "On the internet you can be anybody."
Have you bothered to ask any of these talking heads you mention if THEY "ate paint chips as a child"? Have you risked having your mike cut by O'Rielly to tell him he makes "us" look bad? Have you risked your call being dropped by Rush to tell him he does not in fact have "talent on loan from God" (at least not any more than the rest of us do)? Do you not have a copy of "How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must)" on your bedside table?
Better yet, have you even ever done anything to risk the wrath of the left wing smear merchants like I do each and every time I expose a liberal hypocricy? And you call yourself a Republican?
Another RINO smacked down!!!!
Your Welcome America.
Your Humble Servant,
Rob R. Baron ~ Esquire
Actually sir I have spent much of my time in discussion with people of many different beliefs. If they are well spoken and don't seek the need to try to subjugate a conversation, then I say live and let live. I mean honestly do you think that you are ever going to get any point across if you attempt to "conquer" by inferring that liberals are "ignorant"? Are you really that dense. Your ignorant diatribe is littered with amazingly apparent grammatical mistakes, you make up words that don't even exist, and there are at least 14 misspellings in your short stint on the "blogosphere". Thats right man, win them over with ignorance. And that's not even scratching the idiocy of your "political stance". Seriously, stop posting on the internet before you do any more damage.
Well, spell checking aside it works for Coulter, O'Rielly, Hannity, Limbaugh, Malkin, Dobson, Robertson, Beck, Savage (Micheal not Dan), Ingrahm, Reagan (Micheal and Ronald), Liddy, North, Horowitz, Gingrich, Bennet, Delay, and Rove, do you doubt their wisdom?
Let me school you. "Live and let live" is another invention of liberalism and are just code words for the toleration of evil. Within the context of religion the very word for this thing is called 'Ecumenism' and The Rapture Index has seen fit to name it as a harbinger (#18) of the coming Apocalype, because it means compromising your beliefs. I honestly didn't invent that word. For more on the evils of "live and let live" check this out.
It is you my "Republican" friend who apparently does not know what is going on. But since you have honored me by being my first Smack Down victim, let me offer you a clue. I'm not going to just give it to you like some liberal in a welfare line but if you take another read on my post, knowing that this clue is in there, BTI stands for But This Is. Put that in context with the other tag and footnote in the post, and then you might REALLY KNOW WHATS GOING ON HERE.
Something any true impartial Republican egalitarian, ...
even one such as your self, should be able to figure out.
You understand that, you liberal apologist? Show yourself!!!!
Another member of the Nazi Spell Checkers Smacked Down!!!
Your Welcome America.
Your Humble Servant,
Rob R. Baron ~ Esquire
PS. Should you wish to discuss the merits of the vulterous liberal's arguments, I'm sure some anonymous liberal coward will come to his defense. As for myself, to paraphase the great commie poet Pablo Naruda, "I am weary of chicken[sh!ts]" and will discuss him no more.
I have other liberal myths in need of my attention. I am still gracious enough to allow and welcome any and all anonymous liberal apologists in need of Smacking Down to comment on my other posts. For now.
Your Welcome America.
Your Humble Servant,
Rob R. Baron
~ Esquire
It amazes me that you invoke christianity in your "smack down". The most simple aspects of christianity teach Love, and forgiveness. Also indoctrinating people with treating others as you wish to be treated. You show none of the above. If you want to educate them maybe you should use less pugnacious terminology, and actually try to do some good. And as for your list of conservative bloggers that are doing some good you'll also have to note that most of their good is done either on radio or television talk shows.
I tire of this idiocy so I'll leave you with the words of a being vastly superior to any of the parties in this argument.
"Judge not others, lest ye be judged."
Gosh, it amazes me that you can't realize that it is supposed to be SATIRE:
Something Any True Impartial Republican Egalitarian should be able to recognize.
But then again, the right never has had a sense of irony.
You lying liberal dog. You call it satire, but that is just a liberal code word for being a smartass. When you can't rebut, you attack, when that doesn't work you dismiss. Well, you are heretofore on notice of needing a Smackdown. Just be glad we do not live in the days of duelling anymore as the great Republican Zoe Miller once said.
Your Welcome America.
Your Humble Servant,
Rob R. Baron ~ Esquire
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