Thursday, August 17, 2006

Higher MPG = Party of Death Conspiracy

Dear America,
A lot of folks are out there pontificating about a Democrat in the Whitehouse in 2008. Sometimes, it doesn't fill me with as much fear and trepidation as it does at others. It is at these times when I am looking back with nostalgia to the 90's when at certain times cooler conservative heads prevailed. One of these times was with the push for higher CAFE standards that would raise the mile per gallon requirements for the cars and trucks made here in the US.

Back then we conservatives saw this for the intrusive burden of Federal regulation that it is. We also saw it as an outgrowth of the Culture of Death that pervades the Democratic Party. Back then we conservatives knew that higher gas mileage came at the cost of less steal, less steal came at the cost less safety, less safety came at the cost of more death. The only way to make cars have higher MPG is to make them less safe! No wonder the Democrats were suggesting we raise CAFE standards. Therefore it followed, we conservatives should oppose it so as not to be a part of this blood sacrifice the Democrats wanted to make to whatever sick god they worship.

But it seems some folks have forgotten about that. Now certain fair weather conservatives are changing their minds. Now that gas is actually expensive, they think it's a good idea. They line up like sheep to sign on to this Faustian bargain.

It was a bad idea when Bill Clinton thought about it and it's a bad idea now. It almost saddens me to see that some inside the Whitehouse may have bought into this liberal poison. Before you know it, they might start trying to stop 'global warming'.


Your Welcome America.

Your Humble Servant,
Rob R. Baron ~ Esquire

*Yet Another Liberal Myth Exposed.


Anonymous said...

There is no doubt in my mind that you are the most intelligent conservative I've ever had the honor of coming across.

With that said I just wanted to tell you that this 'Global Warming' you mentioned is nothing more than liberal propaganda at its finest. We must work hard to prove to these liberals that solar variation is a much more accepted theory and that the scientific community is behind this theory 100%. After all, in a few years we'll get a mini-iceage and this 'Global Warming' idea will be chalked up as nonsense.

Rob. R. Baron said...

Why thank you for your kind words. It is so nice to hear from some smart people instead of the usual liberal apologist troll I have been smacking down of late.

Anonymous said...

That poor guy is entirely too misinformed and deserving of a true smack down. We should not waste our precious conservative thoughts on him when we could be helping to clean out these vicious liberals among us.

Also, on topic, I was hoping to get some of your insight on solar variation and global warming. Maybe a later post?


Rob. R. Baron said...

I'm not so sure about the 'solar variation' theory as I am that more carbon dioxide and higher tempatures are actually a good development, bringing higher crop yeilds and more tolerable temperatures to our current colder areas.

Higher temperatures might even make the state of Wisconsin more tolerable, if it were not for all the chunky cheese eating liberals up there. But yes, perhaps a future post is in order.

And when that day comes, Your Welcome America,

Your Humble Servant,
Rob R. Baron ~ Esquire

Anonymous said...

dude, did you just post all of that yourself? really sounds like a conversation with yourself

Rob. R. Baron said...

'Dude', you should be aware that having conversations with yourself can lead to blindness, insanity, and premature ejaculation. I may wear glasses but I do not have conversations with myself.

Are you surprised at the cohesiveness of the liberal smackdown coalition of the willing? You should not be.

Conservatives are a very homogenous bunch (in a heterosexual kind of way) because we know that other conservatives will hold us accountable and destroy those that do not toe the party line.

We may have a big tent, but it's only because of all those big elephants and SUVs.

Another anonymous liberal coward Smacked down! Your Welcome America.

Your Humble Servant,
Rob R. Baron ~ Esquire